Thursday, June 1, 2023

বাচ্চা এবং বড়দের কোডিং নিজে নিজে শেখার রিসোর্স-2

 বাচ্চা এবং বড়দের কোডিং নিজে নিজে শেখার রিসোর্স-2

বিপ্লব পাল, 31 শে মে Biplab Pal
[ এই পোষ্টটা আপনারা অনায়াসেই শেয়ার করতে পারবেন ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করার দরকার নেই... ]
এই পর্বে হাইস্কুলের কোডিং শেখার রিসোর্স দিচ্ছি- এগুলি যারা ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং কলেজে পড়ছে , তারাও ব্যবহার করতে পারে। কারন আমি দেখেছি, আমেরিকার হাইস্কুলের কম্পিউটার সায়েন্স এপি আর ভারতের কলেজের কম্পিউটার সায়েন্সের সিলেবাস এবং লেভেল প্রায় এক।
CrashCourse Computer Science: This playlist goes through the history of computing, up to and including modern topics. The explanations are clear and the animations are helpful. It's an excellent starting point to get an overview of the field.
CS50's Introduction to Computer Science: This is Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. CS50's lectures are available for free on YouTube. This channel is dedicated to expanding access to computer science, and increasing participation by women and underrepresented students of color. They have many educational videos and tutorials on various topics.
The Coding Train: Daniel Shiffman makes creative coding tutorials and examples with a focus on algorithmic art and generative design. His video series on nature of code is particularly good.
TheNewBoston: This channel contains a vast amount of tutorials on a wide range of computer science topics, including programming languages like Python and Java, which are commonly taught in high schools.
MIT OpenCourseWare: While this is a college-level resource, the Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python course can be a helpful and challenging resource for a high school student who's particularly interested in the field.
Khan Academy's Computing Courses: They cover a wide range of topics including algorithms, cryptography, information theory, and coding.
To Learn Python and analytic package from school level :>>
Corey Schafer's Python Tutorials: These tutorials are very detailed and cover a wide range of Python topics. The tutorials on Python basics are great for beginners.
Sentdex's Python Programming for Beginners: This channel offers a beginner-friendly Python course. It also provides tutorials for more advanced topics and specific packages like Matplotlib, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn.
Data School's Python Pandas Tutorials: This channel offers a tutorial series focused specifically on using the Pandas library for data science in Python.'s Python Course: This is a complete Python course for beginners and covers Python in 4 hours. It is very comprehensive and easy to understand.
Krish Naik's Python for Data Science: Krish Naik provides a detailed course on using Python for data science. He explains the different packages and functionalities used in data science.
CS Dojo's Python Tutorials for Absolute Beginners: CS Dojo's Python tutorials are very beginner-friendly and cover all the basics you need to start coding in Python.
Keith Galli's Python Tutorials: These tutorials are excellent for beginners and cover a wide range of Python topics. His tutorials on Python's data science packages are particularly helpful.

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